Big news on the jailbreaking front, as Apple has stopped signing iOS 8.4 firmware. This means updating (or downgrading) to iOS 8.4 is no longer possible. Jailbroken users on earlier firmware versions are stuck at the moment, as updating to iOS 8.4.1 results in a stock device with no public option to jailbreak. Those running iOS 8.4 can still jailbreak at any time using TaiG 2.
Incredibly, the Pangu team wasted no time and demonstrated a working iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak last Friday at the HackPwn2015 security conference. What Pangu's demonstration means for iOS 9 remains to be seen, however it's unlikely the iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak will be released to the public in the immediate future.
It's also unclear if the vulnerabilities used to jailbreak iOS 8.4.1 will make it possible to jailbreak iOS 9 in a similar fashion. In any case, iPhone owners who went ahead and updated to iOS 8.4 before the signing window closed now have more flexibility. Cydia Impactor makes it possible to restore to stock iOS 8.4 without updating to iOS 8.4.1. Jailbroken devices can now remain at one firmware even when removing the jailbreak, so they can be re-jailbroken later.
iOS 9 is expected to release in September, alongside the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, new iPads and a revamped Apple TV. Don't forget to follow the iPhoneFAQ Twitter feed and stay tuned to Facebook for the latest jailbreak tweaks and news.